Looking for a delta hoothoot

Trading Name: Soot

Offer: anything in the game that doesnt require relic song

Request: Delta hoothoot (no requirements on level gender nature etc)

Further info: i’m looking for anyone with a delta hoothoot of any kind willing to trade with me for any item or pokemon that doesnt require relic song to get. if anyone reads this and has a delta hoothoot please respond and we can discuss it further but keep in mind i’m willing to offer any item or pokemon that doesnt require relic song

I have one with good ivs and 120 lvl and hidden ability

How much IV stones you can offer?

as many as i can find in the game but i dont need a lvl 120. if anything you can just breed that with a delta ditto and give me the egg.


are the IV stones what you want in return or is there something else you want for the egg?

I can give you hatched one for 1 IV Stone

great ^-^ i’m at school at the moment so once i get home i will get the IV stone and we can trade. but assuming i have to give the IV stone to a pokemon to hold when we trade is there any sort of pokemon you’d like?

Nah, you can trade any pokemon with IV Stone it’ll be good

gotcha, i’m looking up where IV stones are at so i can get one as soon as possible.


just got home so be ready to trade soon

alright i got the IV stone and the pokemon to hold onto it so im ready when you are

I’m sorry. I was supposted to go sleep because it was late. Can we try again today?

oh yeah sure ^-^ dont know what timezone you have but incase it’s different i’ll be home in about 8 hours but i’ll make sure to message you when im on my way home


incase you aren’t on when i get home in about 4 and a half hours then i’m willing to set an alarm this weekend so i get up early so we can do the trade. i’m determined to get the delta Hoothoot XD

just got home so message me when your ready

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