LF IV stones and other miscellannious items or mons

Ok, giving the bulba instead

okay :smiley: Sending the request again

Does it normally take this long for a trade?

Nope, it says im waiting for you to offer your poke :confused:

Are you sure you are clicking on offer? Maybe we should resend the request

Ok let’s try it again

Ok, sending again the request

Trade complete, thanks and enjoy! :slight_smile:

Thanks so much! :grinning:

I can get you that, i could take 1 IV stone and a delta squirtle or 2 IV stones :slight_smile:

Also are you sure you want fire Blast AND flamethrower? Its better to have only one of those. I can get you both moves, but its not the best move set imo

This is the topic with the greatest number of posts by far and no one was rude. I like you guys.

Trading is love, trading is life :heart:

Sorry, my friend :frowning: i can give you a 5 IV poke for the delta squirtle tho

The problem with deltas is that you cannot breed them, so in order to have a competent delta you need like 4-6 IV stones, that is not the case for breeded pokemon, where I can get 5IV pokemon really fast. That is why I’m hunting for IV stones, so that I can use them on my deltas. So the only thing I can offer is 5IV pokemon with their HA and egg moves, for delta pokemon and IV stones. That’s why I can’t accept ): I’d happy to help you with other pokemon you want as long as they are breedable

I have this Gastly: http://imgur.com/a/8GBbD I could trade it for the delta squirtle or 2 IV stones :slight_smile:

Ok, I am, what is your id? Mine is martindelr

ok, sending now

Ok, sent again

my id is: martindelr

I’m typing your correctly

you exit the trade, want me to send it again?