LF: HA Delta Beldum (Ruin)

Thanks, will do.

@Silva Would you happen to have a D. Squirtle with its hidden ability, Shadow Dance?

well i do have a d squirtle and i can give it that if you give me the iv stone to cover for dream mist, and one for the mon itself

want me to or?

Sorry I didn’t get back to you. I’ll just trade for the mon. I have a couple dream mists already.

ok sounds good lemme know when you are ready

I’ll be on in about 30 mins. Does that work for you?

should be fine, just breeding some different mons rn when you ready just message and ill breed yours up quick

ready whenever you are

kk just a sec ill tell you when to start




We good?

ye when we cancel just start again after

It went through on my end.

oh it didnt here lemme restart and see if it does, for me it was stuck on waiting

I was on waiting for a bit, but then it went through.

… i didnt save because said it went through but it didnt on my end so lost a bunch of progress on breeding and dont have an iv stone rip

welp at least you got it have a good one