Trading Name: wallach770
Offer: We can discuss – tell me what you’re looking for
Request: Looking for both Delta Squirtle and Bulbasaur, preferably with their mega stones
Trading Name: wallach770
Offer: We can discuss – tell me what you’re looking for
Request: Looking for both Delta Squirtle and Bulbasaur, preferably with their mega stones
Do you have any IV Stones? I can trade you both for 6 IV Stones.
I have 2 lol. That the only thing you want or can I offer anything else?
can give you whit ot mega stones if you give me them whit out mega stones we yous start a game get the starter chatch a random pokemon then we trade
Correction, I now have 3. If you want to wait I can let you know when I have 6
Okay then.
Got the IV stones. What level are the pokemon? I’d prefer low level, like 10 or lower. And do they have their mega stones?
They’re at level 10. Can we trade later, around 5?
mega stones or no?
Yes, there are Mega Stones
Cool. Can we trade sometimes in the next few hours?
Oh my god I’m so sorry but my bro deleted my save file again. I can’t trade with you now.
Duuuuuude. Sorry to hear that. Friggin siblings.
I will give u 1 if u give me delta charmander
Sorry, no can do. Got my my starter Delta Charizard forever!