LF Delta Dratini and Delta Beldum Ruin

Trading Name: zomina

Offer: I don’t have much since I’m only 2 gyms in but let me know what you want and I’ll see what I can do.

Request: Delta Dratini and/or Delta Beldum (Rock/Grass version)

Further info: I really wanna use these guys on my team but don’t want to wait until I beat the game. I’m playing on hard mode so I’d prefer the hidden abilities but totally fine with the regular ability too. Thanks a lot!

Sure I can do it

Ooh thank you so much! When are you available?

Uhhh maybe in a few hours.

Ok just let me know when you’re ready. Thanks again :slight_smile:

i can do it now all i want is a delta grimer

Ok, what’s your trade code? Also are you gonna give me both for delta grimer + something random or just one of them for the delta grimer?

i don’t mind i can give u both if u want i just need delta grimer and my trading. name is samlowry

ok, are you ready right now?

just gimme five minutes


what’s ur trading name


alright u ready?


you gotta put them in your party i think

offer grimer

i did everything was alright y did u end

u ready again

oh sorry i didnt see ur response, let me rejoin