Laggy Save File

I got to the black market, and at some point there my game started to lag. I didn’t change any settings, and if I leave the area or make a new save file (in one of the other slots) the lag doesn’t go away.

I copied my save file and reinstalled the game. When I created a new game, it ran smoothly. But when I transferred my old save file, the lag returned. So I’m certain that the lag is coming from somewhere in the actual save file and not the game or my computer. Again, I didn’t change any settings. Anyone have any ideas or suggestions?

have you accidentally toggled m (the speedup button)? other ways to reduce lag are closing background programs and running insurgence as priority. Otherwise, I think the thing about the lag from that save file might just be your progression in the game ;3

Yepp hitting M fixed it lmao, thanks a alot man, cheers!

no problem!