Is this game in development or dropped?

When it will be realeased as final version?

Official answer

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It’s still in development so just be patient.

I will :3 This game is going to be amazing! Edit: Why can’t i download version with patcher? Only Raw Version is available

It’s very difficult to be patient when we were told it’d be done by the time 2016 was over. Also, considering how many fan games have gone dead, it’d be sad but not surprising.

It’s very difficult to keep calm when people keep complaining about it not being done, while you’re at the same time making a game be as good and polished as possible.


then don’t keep calm :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t see why that comment was necessary. The question was already answered so did you just want to be a dick? As deuk said above, the devs are trying as hard as they can to make the game as good as possible so don’t get your panties in a knot because its taking some extra months. And who the hell said it would be done by 2016?

I’m very sorry. I was not trying to be a dick. I’m not angry that its not done and I’m absolutely pumped for when it is. But I’m also very afraid that it’ll end up dead like so many other games. Which would be really sad, because so far this game is the best Pokémon game ive played. So I’m sorry for offending you, deuk, that was not my intention. Thank you for all of your work.

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Ok sorry if I sounded like a dick.

Nah man, it’s on me.

I don’t think anyone is complaining at all, its more of a question about its release date since its so vague which I understand why, your working on the game at your own pace, can’t really ask for more when its a fan made thing. But to call this type of stuff complaining when its not is kinda not cool :(. You can’t blame people when you guys are tight lipped about the release date. A release date would instantly cause all questions like this to be stopped, but you guys dont wanna set expectations so you dont wanna say anything which is understandable. Just understand by doing that questions like these will never end.

Have I not literally already responded to you on this subject?

Edit: Yes. Yes I have.

Edit 2:
I find this conversation pointless.
<img src=“/uploads/default/original/2X/9/9daafcba4fb6c007e6c655718a0fc37aa0cc1a30.png” width="690"height=“243”>
“I’m a dick!”

“No, I’m a dick!”

“No, I am!”

you always sound like a dick

Im not asking for a release date calm yourself sir nor I am upset about when they are releasing it. Everything you mentioned I understood from the last post. Im saying that of course people are gonna keep asking “any update/whens it going to be released?” when no solid definite answer has been given. I’m not asking for anything Im just trying to explain why people keep asking LOL. That was the only intention with my post. So you need to calm down.

P.S. The quote you posted also has no relevance to this. Was just explaining thought processes.

I find it odd someone would need to explain to a developer that if they give a release date, people will stop asking for a release date. Hence your post came across to me as yet another request for a release date, which is why I responded to it in the way I did. My condolences if my assertion about your post is wrong.

Also, people are complaining.

These aren’t professional developers(and i mean no offense by that) , these are fans like everyone creating something they love in their free time. Its alright although, I am confused how you would consider that as a request considering I went into light detail into why they are not giving a release date, in attempts for better explanation. Imo it seems you just get way too aggressive when questions like these are asked.

P.S. I was explaining why he was asking that. I wasn’t telling the developer that he should tell a release date, and you explained to me a while ago why its pointless to ask for a release date. I am just explaining the thought process behind the question of people who ask this question repeatedly and what causes this question to be constantly gets brought up. No where did I ask for a date to be announced. Your aggressive, rude, and some what condescending response is not needed anywhere here.

My only purpose was to help annoyed creators emphasize with all the impatient people that was the only purpose of my post and your post actually ticked me off lmao.

I have much to say, but I won’t as this is becoming a pointless argument. I’m truly sorry for being [quote=“evilmonkey213, post:17, topic:10784”] aggressive, rude, and some what condescending [/quote].

Point taken