Is Pokémon Azurite still in development?

I thought I read somewhere that development had stopped, but couldn’t find anything else saying that. Anyone know if it’s still being developed or no?

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azurite is not made by the devs of insurgence, they just had a crossover with crystalised ruingross and taen went to azurite’s region(vesuvius or smth idk im probably wrong)
i think development has stopped cuz on their page the last update was on 14th February 2020 so idk. they are looking for ppl to join the dev team tho apparentally

It is still in development,The story and all is at the endgame. Only the spritework is missing.
Once all the spritework is done,I assume the release date will be soon.
The insurgence devs are only a contributor to the game,The last update was Aug 24 of 2020 u can check it out here

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Ok, good to know!

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