If insurgence is finished after gen 7, will gen 7 mons be put in?

It’s all in the title. I’m reminded of Z/O where certain mons and typings were added. Will the same happen again if the timing is right?

No, they won’t be introduced in the game.

why is it so?

Other than stats, dex numbers, movesets, abilities etc.

It seems like Suze was talking about, what is essentially, pre-release art. I don’t think it has much to do with this question considering it asked about a period wherein sun and moon’s pokemon are understood and developed.

Oh, my bad. I’m sorry.

There is a faint possibility that they might change their minds in the future but for now, Suze and most of the Dev team want to be finished with Insurgence and move onto other projects.

Nice name btw.

Yeah, I figured that would be the case. These games are time consuming as sheeeit and I assume that they were excellent early experience. Developing another RPG maker Pokemon game must feel like a huge time sink when they compare it to their memory of a fresh beginning, full of new ideas and interesting new experiences.

I saw other forums and the spam always bugged me. I love how on-point these forums seem at all times.