I need a snowball

Yes, a snowball. I have one left until 55. Please, I will give you heart scale for it.

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Do u want an list of areas where u can find snowballs?

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Nah I don’t need them anymore


Why do I feel like you are doing that Yanfei smug IRL?

Maybe I do. Do you like genshin?

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Played since the start. PS4 user so I got the sword of decent. Disappointed, but still. Mostly a Ganyu and Eula main with Noelle, Keqing and Diluc as pocket picks. Kinda swapping that Diluc for Yanfei actually.

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Nice. Xiao main with venti zhongli qiqi, and second team keqing mona bennett kazuha. No five star weapon, played since Tartaglia banner, on pc

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