I am in desperate need of a delta bergmite

Trading Name:Aura_YT

Offer: I don’t have much


Further info: I would be so grateful to anyone who would have the heart to trade me a delta bergmite, I accidentally K.Oed my own and I’m trying to do a delta living dex. I don’t have much to offer, I am just looking for someone who would be oh so generous to pass me one. Thank you to my eventual hero :slight_smile:

Sorry @Dechozen101 I’m new here

Are you still looking for one? I could breed mine to get one for you if you still need it.

i still have breeding leftovers of d-bergmite if u want

Are you online rn, cause yes please

Usually online between 11:00 PM to 5:00 AM UTC. (Essentially right when I typed this right now)

Can you trade right now?

i completely forgot bout that

but ill be in vacation in a few hours for 2 weeks so we need to make it today

Gotta go now!

Sorry but i cant help u anymore

I can trade mine.

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