How to get pokemon insurgence past the firewall?

I have just started to play pokemon insurgence after knowing about it for a while and i thought about the online thing for the game but every time i tryed to go online i got an error message about the servers not being online or my internet having an issue i went and looked around on the internet adn found that the issue is the firewall not allowing online play but now i dont know how to get the firewall to allow pokemon insurgence to go online like which files do i have to allow and stuff, If anyone has any idea how to get it to work that would be very much appreciated.

It kinda depends on what OS you have on your machine. Most of the times, in the Control panel, there’s something on the lines of “System and security” (I have another language so I’m not sure if the translation is accurate) and in that you can find your firewall settings (I’d screenshot a rapid guide but, as I said, I have the pc in another language xP)

so on Mac u can go under security and privacy and u can disable the firewall