I’m trying to learn the breeding mechanics of the game and I’d like to get a Donphan with play rough.
So my understanding is (in addition to get the nature I want) have female phanphy w/everstone + male poke who can give the baby play rough (I have a purrloin). Then hatch the egg and level it up?
So are the four moves the egg will have random unless you use a move deleter? So I’m breeding a phanpy + Purrloin. Once I level purrloin and give it play rough, how would I guarantee the egg have it?
Alright. So is there a hierarchy/priority for which moves are received?
Say a female Phanphy has takedown, odor sleuth, rollout, curl. Purrloin has tackle, play rough, scratch, growl. Would it guaranteed receive play rough as a move because it’s a breed only move?
And then in the actual game(not the simulators) you can’t have more than one breed-moves onto a poke? So I can’t have a Donphan with play rough, ice shard, EQ, and heavy slam because 3/4 of them are breed moves from a different parent?