How to fix lag?

Hm… do you use the launcher or the core?

I believe it’s just the core

Okay, try redownloading the core and seeing if the problem persists. You have a Windows computer, so the save files will automatically transfer when you play on the new core.

I did just update the game a little bit ago

I know. Sometimes things can go wrong with the download. That’s why I suggest downloading again.


If it doesn’t work, should I try and install the launcher?

I don’t know if that would fix it.

If the lag spike is just the HP and exp bars decreasing/increasing, that’s how the software the game was made with works :frowning: If you’re using any 3D sprite pack, that’s been known to cause lag for quite a few people. Try playing with just the default download.

If you’re not using any 3D sprite pack and you were referring to lag in game play in general, try the following.

  • redownloading the core.
  • Selecting Reduce Screen Flickering option when you press Fn+F1(from the previous screenshot that Cow posted), turning off the battle effects in options, deselecting smooth mode etc,. Basically playing with lowest graphics settings.
  • Play around with the different text speed as well as turbo speed in the options.

The above worked only for one or two people, most people who reported lag(around 20 people) despite having good computers couldn’t find a solution :frowning:

Well, when i’m playing, and my laptop needs to charge, it lags until I charge it. Maybe, it’s the same for you.

I used to have a lot of lag, so I tried the reduce screen flickering option and I had no more lag, my graphics didn’t change too. Highly recommended it to others with the same problem.

I have a windows 10 computer. It’s pretty old, like almost a year old. I re-downloaded the game and it’s still a big laggy. It’s not as much as before, buts it’s definitely less laggy. Is there anything I can do? ( By the way i know this is very old since its 7 months later lmao)

Other than what the previous replies in this thread mention, no.

Made an account just for this, hope it’s appreciated, lol.

Something that made significant changes for me is changing the GPU for the .exe.

The games uses the integrated graphics card by default, so if you’re on a laptop of if you have multiple graphics cards, open your Nvidia/AMD control panel and select your program settings. Add the .exe and select your best GPU.

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my laptop doesn’t have a battery ;-;

I am having the same problem with lots of lag.
It is only happening when I get into battles and not walking around. I already tried pressing fn + f1 and turning on smooth mode on and tried turning reduce screen flickering, but it doesn’t work. Also I am playing the game on a ThinkPad Pc if that may be casuing the problem. Is this game better to play on a mac instead and if so will my save data be playable if I play the game on my mac?

When I press fn and f1 it opens up Microsoft edge

Thank you! It made the battle animations much better than before, this was such a quality of life improvement!

July of 2022, on an old mac using porting kit, this method still works.

press fn+f1 then