In my file of pokemon insurgence, I am doing the challenge championship to (spoilers) battle and capture shadow Mewtwo.
I have assembled a delta bisharp that is as follows:
Nature: Jolly
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 255 attack/ 255 speed
Drain Punch
Aerial Ace
Stone Edge
High Jump Kick
Item: D. Bisharpite
The problem is that, while I was fighting in the challenge championship, D. Bisharp was outsped by almost every other pokemon I fought with. Second of all, I have no counter to psychic/fairy types. Any sort of help would be appreciated because I’m new to battling strategically (except for spamming calm mind and sweeping).
For fairies, I’d swap High Jump Kick with Iron Head. Less powerful but has the type coverage you seek and it’s more precise (I struggle with any precision less than 100).
For psychics I have no idea honestly… Knock Off is the only good dark move I know δBisharp learns but it’s basically mono-use before becoming too weak to be relevant. Fury cutter is too slow to be interesting.
For the speed issue… you can’t do more than that except by giving him a Choice Scarf, that will lock your moveset tho…
I was thinking of giving D. Bisharp the choice scarf, but he loses the attack gain upon mega evolving, and he needs a diverse moveset to fight off threats. I was a bit afraid of giving high jump kick because 10 % chance is not that low when you think about it. I might give him iron head + scarf, though he needs all the attack power possible. Pretty much the problem is his speed doesn’t support his attack power.
I would suggest swapping out either high jump kick or drain punch for protect. Delta Bisharp’s low 70 speed stat isn’t improved to 120 until your next turn after mega evolving. Since a lot of the Challenge Championship’s leaders have speed invested and/or natured pokemon, that would explain why they usually outspeed you.
It’s a bit difficult to have an ideal moveset, but here’s what I have:
D. Bisharp / D. Bisharpite
Nature: Jolly
High Jump Kick
Iron Head
Aerial Ace
There are a lot of moves I need to have on Delta Bisharp, but I only have 4 move slots, so it’s hard to tell which moveset will work against what pokemon. Even with my counters, I get walled by the likes of Mega Gardevoir’s moonblast, which is an OHKO if I don’t land iron head or if my attack isn’t high enough. If only D. Bisharp had speed boost as his mega evolution ability, or even for him to have swords dance, too, because he is called the flying sword pokemon.