@bernag Whatâs your trade name? @Anime_Lover Sending trade in 10 seconds.
@Sleepy trade name :Bernag
I want my talon flame back.
Uh, talonflame? What talon flame? Also got the pancham?
Weird it says 0/31 IVs for all of them.
The 0 means the EV is zero. The 31 means the IV is 31.
I traded you my Talonflame for the Pancham since I didnât know I had to give you a junk Pokemon.
@Anime_Lover The 0 are the EVs. 31 are the IVs.
@bernag My tradename is sleepy
. Let me know when to send the trade.
Oh OK thanks.
im ready to start so lets begin
So, um tell me when I can get my Talon Flame back.
Uh, are you sure about that? Cause I got a pumpkaboo from you just now.
@bernag retry.
I swear I still have the Pumkaboo.
Should I exit out of the game?
@Sleepy thanks for the spiritomb i got it safely with me
Wierd I swear I still have it.
Hang on just exited out of the game.
@sleepy Now I donât have the Pumpkin but I also donât have my Talonflame.