Eevee; Timid, Modest, Sassy Feebas; Lax, Jolly, Clam Snorunt; Modest, Adamant, Quirky
Eevee; Timid, Modest, Sassy Feebas; Lax, Jolly, Clam Snorunt; Modest, Adamant, Quirky
Day 1:
marill adamant, jolly, sassy kirlia modest, timid, adamant luxio jolly, brave, impish
Day 2:
quilava modest, timid, serious grovyle adamant, bold, careful vibrava mild, modest, calm
Day 3:
zweilous modest, timid, naive gallade jolly, impish, hasty duosion quiet, bold, relaxed
Day 4:
boldore adamant, careful, brave combusken docile, hasty, lonely gabite lonely, hasty, careful
Day 5:
combusken calm, lax, careful togekiss modest, timid, bold aegislash brave, bold, calm
Keep guessing guys!
Day1 adamant, jolly, careful absol brave, adamant, sassy ferroseed jolly, naive, impish gabite
Day2 adamant, jolly, impish corpish modest, timid, hasty swablu timid, modest, calm servine
Day3 naughty, rash, adamant monferno timid, adamant, careful fraxure timid, calm, modest lampent
modest, quiet, sassy porygon2 modest, bold, relaxed gothorita sassy, quiet, brave marshtomp
adamant, careful, naive staravia adamant, jolly, naughty fletchling timid, modest, quiet chandelure
DAY 1 Honedge: Adamant, Sassy, Relaxed (plsplsplspls) Delta Kirlia: Modest, Timid, Adamant Charmeleon: Jolly, Adamant, Modest
DAY 2 Azumarill: Jolly, Adamant, Docile Aegislash Adamant, Sassy, Relaxed (not giving up) Marill: Adamant, Jolly, Modest
DAY 3 (i swear youre just making it look like aegislash/honedge but it’s actually not) Aegislash: Impish, Quiet, Modest Honedge: Impish, Quiet, Modest Roselia: Modest, Timid, Bold (if this is the hp fire one and i get it im gonna be so happ–wait you wouldn’t give it away)
DAY 4 (knew it wasn’t azu) Honedge: Hardy, Lonely, Naughty Gabite: Adamant, Jolly, Docile Palpitoad: Adamant, Jolly, Docile
DAY 5 (ok just eliminate honedge now pls) f just realized aeigslash is eliminated Honedge: Bold, Docile, Impish Combusken: Jolly, Adamant, Impish Mawile: Adamant, Jolly, Impish
DAY 6 (thanks finally no honedge <3 ) Aegislash: Impish, Careful Doublade: Impish, Careful
Day 1: Delibird: Timid, Modest, Jolly Eevee: Jolly, Adamant, Naive Wartortle: Timid, Modest, Bold
Day 2 Prinplup: adamant, brave, jolly Sneasal : adamant, jolly, calm mawile: modest, jolly, impish
SECOND HINT The shiny a pokemon that is unobtainable in Gen I main-series games. Examples would be Combusken, as it is only obtainable in Gen III and onwards, and Pawniard, as it is only obtainable in Gen V and onwards. Meowth and Gengar are examples of pokemon ruled out as they are obtainable in Gen 1.
Day 1 Goomy : Modest , Calm , Timid Solosis : Modest , Timid , Calm Drifloon : Modest , Calm ,Timid
Im allowed to guess again because I guessed right before the next hint correct? Also, I am confused by your second hint?
Yes guess away. And the second hint basically means it is not a gen 1 pokemon.
Ohhh gotcha. The “examples would be…” sounded like you were giving examples of pokemon it could not be. My B
Day 2 Grovyle, Timid, Naive, Jolly Luxio, Jolly, Adamant, Naughty Scizor, Adamant, Impish, Careful Day 3 Rhyperior, Adamant, Impish, Relaxed Crobat, Adamant, Jolly, Modest Slowking, Modest, Sassy, Calm Day 4 Gabite, Quiet, Modest, Jolly Lombre, Quiet, Modest, Timid Weavile, Jolly, Careful, Calm Day 5 Gible, Adamant, Jolly, Hasty Combusken, Adamant, Jolly, Timid Torchic, Adamant, Jolly, Timid
wait does my guess count i didn’t put a guess on day one just found the thread
it counts for day 2
ok good thanks
uh dude dont replace your old hints just add them to the bottom like how cheese555 did (rare example of him doing things the right way)
oh sorry Should I add the old one again?
Yes, please.
day 2:
metang adamant, modest, jolly
riolu modest, relaxed, timid
zorua hasty, calm, jolly
day 3:
frogadier rash, bold, hasty
doublade modest, relaxed, impish
sliggoo adamant, modest, bold
day 4:
braxien modest, hasty, mild
fletchinder impish, careful, brave
vibrava timid, bold, lax
day 5:
marshtomp hasty, careful, timid
fletchinder hasty, lax, naughty
gible docile, careful, mild