Giratina Nature? [SOLVED]

Just caught giratina about 5 times now, with the same nature every time. Just wondering if Modest is set for him or if I’m just super unlucky (As always)

Are you using a pokemon with synchronize on your top party with Modest?
If yes it’s probably because of this

is… is that just an insurgence thing, or normal pokemon? Because I got Mew up in front.

It is a general Pokémon thing. When a Pokémon whit Synchronize in front of the party, there is 50% chance that the wild Pokémon have his nature.

whoa, learn something new every day.

I bet you didn’t knew a Pokémon holding an everstone always gives his nature to the egg in the Day Care. Moreover, if a Pokémon hold a Destiny Knot in the Day Care, 5 of the 6 IV of the baby are chosen randomly from the parents.

This is why I consider these Item as the most important for an Hard Mode game, as they allow to breed competitive Pokémon.

I knew about the everstone one actually! But a destiny knot has that kinda power? Wow.