Game Froze in perfection

I don’t really know if anyone else has had this problem but I forgot what to do after beating Calreath so I went back to perfection and tried talking to Nora but then my character turned toward Taen and started dialogue and after that i could’nt move and could only talk to him and access the menu so i tried to k.o my pokemon using dex nav and i got sent to the pokemon center but now the game is completely frozen is there anything i can do or should i send my rx data to someone?

See if loading a backup fixes it, assuming you didn’t save more than 3 times while frozen.

I fucked up bad, is there a way to edit the save file or…?

Nope. You’re just stuck unless a future patch retroactively frees people who are frozen.

Thanks for the help i managed to find an older file that was decent