Game became slow suddenly ( during play )

Hey, I’m not really tech savvy so the the language may be armature, but I hope someone can help explain this issue. I recently downloaded Insurgence ( Windows 10 ) and it worked fine, had screen settings on huge, music and sound volume on 50, every thing was fine. I could sprint really fast, get through convos quickly, etc. Then suddenly the game just became slow. The sprinting was lessened significantly, animation for moves and transitions became sluggish, etc. Just wondering if someone could explain why it happened and so suddenly and unexpected, and hopefully a way to fix it. It’s definitely still playable, just more annoying, especially grinding levels. Anyhow thanks for listening!

the game isnt built to work with larger screen size. It’ll run faster or normal size. Also, make sure that you’re not running too much in the background, have shut down ur computer recently, and haven’t downloaded any viruses or anything (cuz yeah its gonna slow ur computer down xD). Lastly, maybe check that you haven’t toggled off turbo mode (press m >> there are 3 turbo modes, and they will be indicated in the top left corner with green as fast, yellow as faster, and red as fastest)

Thanks a ton, that fixed it!

ayy sure glad I could help :))