Trading Name: aryaddesai
Offer: male jolly shiny snorut
Request: Preferably pokemon with egg moves, but you can offer anything, and i will decide if i want to trade or not.
Further info:
Trading Name: aryaddesai
Offer: male jolly shiny snorut
Request: Preferably pokemon with egg moves, but you can offer anything, and i will decide if i want to trade or not.
Further info:
I offer a magikarp and it’s moves are Roar of Time, Blunt M9, Ass Blast, and ThisWholeThingIsAJoke. Want it? (Sorry I’m Bored)
really, please make a real request if you’re going to make one
Okay sorry, I’m bored.
1 EV trained 5IV pokemon with Egg moves (Of your choice, willing to train upto lvl 50 if requested) plus 1 IV stone (or) 3 level 1 pokemon with 5IV and Egg moves plus 2 IV stones from here
will trade a shiny addamant zweilous 31 ivs in speed and defense and can offer some other pokemon i have with 5 iv and eggmoves will update it with what else i can offer when i get time.
Have Aron: adamant A: Rock Head moves: curse, head smash, stealth rock, earthquake. Skrelp: modest A: Adaptability moves: Play rough, Toxic spikes, Toxic, Sludge Bomb. Bagon: adamant A: Sheer Force(moxie on evo) moves: Dragon Dance, Dragon Rush, Thrash, Rock slide. Torchic: adamant A: Speed Boost moves: Baton Pass, Last Resort, Sword Dance, Low kick. Froakie: modest A: Protean moves: Hidden Power (fire 70 power), Toxic spikes, Ice Beam, Smack Down. Ferroseed: Relaxed A: Iron Barbs moves: Gyro Ball, Leech Seed, Spikes, Stealth Rock. Charmander: adamant A: Blaze moves: Dragon Dance, Dragon Rush, Dragon Claw, Rock Slide. Squirtle modest A: Torrent moves: Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse. also have a few different tyrunts , larvitar, and gligars with varied eggmoves
Hi sleepy, is it possible i could have an adamant pure power Meditate with Fake Out, Ice Punch and Thunder Punch, and Bullet Punch, a sassy iron barbs ferroseed with Leech Seed, Spikes, and toxic (with a value of 0 in Speed IV). and a Modest Trace Ralts with Destiny Bond, Disable, Shadow Ball, and Will-o-wisp by the way my timezone is [PDT] (, and i will be able to trade 15:00 -17:00 my time
Sorry stances about not accepting your deal. If something does not work between me and sleepy then I will be happy to trade with you.
Sure, I’ll let you know when they are ready? Timezones are going to be a problem because that’s like 02:30-04:30 am for me. Would you be able to trade at 20:00 your time?
They are ready: Timezones are going to be a problem because that’s like 02:30-04:30 am for me. Would you be able to trade at 20:00 your time?
no i doubt i will be at that time, but maybe around 7:00 my time on Sunday. Will you be free then?
7 am your time? Sure, I’ll be free then.
are you on
Yeah, I’m online now, online on discord as well. but the server is down(It’s back up)
are you still on
i had to go for some time
Yup, I’m still online.
whenever i try to login it says that the username entered does not exist, even though I’ve been using the same username for the past few months