For Trade: 5-6IV (non-delta) pokemon of all tiers

Trading Name: Knotz

Pokemon are in alphabetical order

Offer: All of these pokemon are perfect 5/6IVs (missing either attack or sp. attack respectively)

Dedenne: 5IV Timid w/ Recycle

Fletchling: 5IV Adamant w/ HA: Gale Wings

Froakie: 5IV Timid or Modest w/ HA: Protean

Gible: 5IV Adamant or Impish w/ HA: Rough Skin

Giraffarig: 5IV Modest or Timid w/ Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Thunder Fang

Growlithe: 5IV Impish w/ Morning Sun

Horsea: 5IV Modest

Kangaskahn: 5IV Adamant

Mantine: 5IV Bold

Noibat: 5IV Modest or Timid w/ Swagger, Switcheroo

Phanphy: 5IV Impish

Piplup: 5IV Bold

Ponyta: 5IV Jolly w/ Morning Sun

Porygon: 5IV Modest, Timid or Bold

Scizor: 5IV Adamant or Impish

Shuppet: 5IV Adamant

Snivy: 5IV Modest or Timid w/ HA: Contrary

Snorlax: 5IV Adamant or Careful w/ Curse

Squirle: 5IV Bold w/ HA: Rain Dish

Starly: 5IV Adamant or Jolly w/ Double Edge and HA: Reckless

Swablu: 5IV Adamant or Modest w/ Hyper Voice, Feather Dance, and HA: Cloud Nine

Trapinch: 5IV Timid

Tynamo: 5IV Modest

Vullaby: 5IV Bold or Impish w/ Foul Play

Whismur: 5IV Modest or Timid

Zoura: 5IV Timid w/ Dark Pulse

Request: Other 5-6IV pokemon with/without Egg moves or HA—or HA Eevee (any nature/IVs), Jolly/Adamant Delta-Ralts (Male/any IVs), or Jolly Ditto (any IVs)

Further info: I am also offering IV stones for hard to 5-6IV bred pokemon/ 5-6IV shinys

Please make sure that all offers have good natures and are 5-6IV perfects :smiley: Thank You

I will try to update any additions I have to this list :smile: