Finding Pokerus

Trading Name: JHT98

Offer: Nothing specific, let me know (within reason)

Request: Any Pokemon with active Pokerus

Further info: Hi! Title says it all really, I would really appreciate any mon with Pokerus so I can train more efficiently. Have some random mons of my own to offer, but nothing too spectacular. I’m happy to give Heart Scales.

I have pokerus.

I have a few 'mons with active Pokerus as well. I don’t need anything special in return, just send a trashmon over.

I also have pokerus, u don’t have to give me anything in return

Thanks! When are you available to trade?

Cheers, when can you trade?

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Ya still here? Lemme infect one of my mons pretty quick

Yeah mate, nice one

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Will be ready to trade in a bit

Eating lunch atm

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No worries, lmk when you’re ready

Still looking for Pokerus, if anyone can help let me know!

I could actually help you out.

Sorry for going AWOL, work’s been nuts the past few days. Still good to help out, but I work from 8-5 today (time zone is GMT -6).

Let me know when you’re available to trade

Cheers, let me know when you’re around to trade!

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Sorted now, thanks to everyone who offered!

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