Fan games

wat it feels like to be godly

stop using big brain words

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What simple words from that do you not understandā€¦

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i understood everything i just dont like big words

what word there is big tho?

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Too bad for you I guess.

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except thats a sentence and not a word?

itā€™s actually a pharse because it doesnā€™t have a noun or a verb

I think heā€™s asking what appreciative means, here, Iā€™ll pull the definition from Google: feeling or showing gratitude or pleasure.


looks promising ill prob decide on this one


ik know wat it mean dude i just dont like big words

You made it sound like you didnā€™t understand what I typed.

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appreciative? i feel like thats not really a big word for most people

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Off topic stuff


i am defiantly not most people

Maybe he has hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia or somethin.

please shut up and stop spamming

how am i spamming?

these comments are so off topic