False Swipe TM

Trading Name: jerewryy

Offer: nothing

Request: To teach my Breloom False Swipe

Further info:

need to replace drain punch with false swipe to catch stuff.

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Sure, ready to trade @jerewryy ?

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sorry, was getting a snack. can you still trade?

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Oh whoops, just saw your message, ya still here @jerewryy ?

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yeah I’m here @GiaPeNiw

@jerewryy Are ya available now? I didn’t see your message yesterday lmaoooo

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yeah, I can trade rn

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Alright, let me open my game pretty quick

Ready? Ign is Kafkinos @jerewryy

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yeah, I’m about to send a request

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U want me to replace drain punch right?

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yeah, drain punch

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Ready to trade back?

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thanks a lot!

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No problem lol

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