Error Saying I am in "read-only" Mode (On Mac)

I’m on mac and when I try to open Insurgence I get this message.

“ERROR! cannot write to Info.plist, there are permission problems, or you are on a read-only volume. This cannot run from within a read-only dmg file.”

I have right clicked on info.plist, clicked “get info”, and it says that I am on read and write. What’s going on? Thank you!

drag it to the desktop and see if it works. If not i can help

That worked, thanks!

No problem :smiley:

I know this is a bit late, but I ran into something similar

Dragging it to the desktop, at least for me, only makes the app crash in the dock upon startup. I’ve tried basic troubleshooting like test running it through wine, redownloading the core, or just plain resetting, but I’m not sure what’s going wrong.

Figured I’d ask here before starting a whole new topic on the same issue. I appreciate any advice! :smiley:

What error do u get I can hopefully help

I got the exact same error as the original post, “ERROR! cannot write to Info.plist, there are permission problems, or you are on a read-only volume. This cannot run from within a read-only dmg file.”

For me i just put it on the desktop and it worked. If it doesn’t work, try putting it on the dock, then back to the desktop again

what ended up happening was I moved it to my actual applications folder and NOT the desktop, which stopped the plist error- and was able to launch after going into the wineskin settings and enabling “use mac gpu”, then it worked fine and fixed the launch crash

I hope this helps anyone who runs into anything similar! And thanks for the tips :smiley:

Oh yeah i was going to suggest that next because putting in applications is also another way too

Could you please help me? i really wanna play insurgence, but i have the same error. its already in my desktop but it still has the error. please please help me :frowning: it would be greatly appreciated

Just chiming in here for us mac users:

After you download and extract, drop it in your Applications folder.

If it hangs or crashes when you first try to open it, open your Applications folder and click “Show Package Contents.” In the new pane that appears, double-click Wineskin to open the Wine configuration tool.

Click the “Tools” tab, and on the very bottom of the pane, click the “Set Screen Options” button.

Under “Other Options”, there are a collection of checkboxes: “Use Mac Driver instead of X11”, “Decorate Windows”, “Auto Detect GPU Info for Direct3D”, and “Use Direct3D Boost (if available)” — of this list, selecting (checking) the first 3 made Insurgence work for me.

I am having the same error, and I tried what jbrody said, only now it doesn’t even open. What can I do to fix this?

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Yeah TheSpectre, I had the same problem all the way up to your comment and I unchecked “Auto Detect GPU Info for Direct 3D” and it works for me now.

I had to do this too and it brings the game up but after i press enter on the home screen i just get the 4 grey bars like where youd normally say start new game blah blah. I can click enter again and it brings me to a black screen with a text box but no text ever appears.

okay I just spammed enter and it brought up all the opening cut scenes but theres still no text box inside any of the text boxes ?

You may need to install the fonts. Go to the insurgence folder and there should be another folder within it called “Fonts”. Just manually install them all and restart your PC. After that, try again and see if it works.

I tried this but nothing changed /:

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I’m also having this problem for Poker Night at the Inventory 2. My friend uploaded a zipped file of the game onto Mega Limited. I downloaded it from that site and tried to open it, but it reads back the “read-only dmg” error.

I cant see any text in the text boxes but everything else is working. Can anyone help me?