I have two issues with the Emolga Taxi that may or may not be related. The first is that I have connected a controller to play the game, but I have messed with the controls and some stuff has had to be edited; I had to alter a few of my controller settings to get mega evolution on the controller. When it comes to the Emolga Taxi, I think it completely disagrees with the controller. When I try to confirm, over a Pokemon Center and everything, nothing happens. That comes to my second issue. I am now permanently locked into the Emolga Taxi because I saved on the screen, and additionally I would not have liked to reset because I had just finished the events before victory road and ground up my pokemon. I initiated the emolga taxi from the secret base and I have tried resetting my controls to land the taxi, which has worked in the past for me, but now it fails. I am softlocked and need help.
Instructions on how to fix this.
try resetting your controls and you dont have to worry saves are saved to the user no the game file so if you need to re download its no problem
Slow down for a second. So if I copy my file out of the core and reinstall the core, it will take me out of the Emolga Taxi? And f I load one of these backups will it reset me back to the battles in the Distortion World, where my last save before the soft lock was?
@Dechozen101 he needs an explanation
Also I did say after resetting controls it wouldn’t land, pressing c or enter with the arrow directly over the Pokémon center hasn’t worked. I would know because I have reset my controls to get this to work before, but now it doesn’t. Also, yes I do need some help because all I know how to do is click on the game to make it run.
have you tried landing with a keyboard out of curiosity
That’s what I’ve been trying to say. Sorry if I may have confused you. I’ve been trying to land with the controls reset and using the keyboard.
ooh so you tried both keyboard and controller after resetting controls
Also, I wentand I tried to do that softlock guide, and I have no clue where those saves are. Any help?
Another way to break the softlock is to faint your pokemon through the wild birds