Edge off the Wholesome (chat of trainers)

yeah, but they still dont

i dont have that many friends lol

Do you not count strangers on the internet as friends?

I don’t.


i mean they are strangers

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i mean if ive met them in person but only started actually talking to them on the internet i’d count that

but ig its just peoples personal preference if they count them as friends or not

You don’t know who’s behind the other screen. Do you even know anything about me?

this went from random people talking to talking about online friends/strangers how?

I don’t know, and I don’t care.

The only thing I learned here is that Gia is a furry.

pretty good music and better than the original, also why is there a cinderace and lucario

1/10 people know about @GiaPeNiw tbh

its goh’s and ash’s respectively

They aren’t the best furry though, their pfp isn’t a dog person

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ASH and his new lucario cool ryt

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heh i know your name on the forums is incognito lol


yea, ash looks better than in the sm anime for sure, but xy ash was taller some how

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ik that u dont live in Uzbekistan

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