Does kyurem spawn in 1.2.7?

i do know that this has been asked but im curios if kyurem is in 1.2.7

It does spawn on 1.2.7

You have to have completed the taen quest before it spawns tho

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U have to defeat the Elite 4 Rematches first tho

Then it will spawn on victory road-ice iirc

i have completed the quest and have every ability and zekrom and reshiram in my team but still no kyurem in victory road ice puzzle 2 and i have beaten the elite 4 rematch and i have completed all post game quests except the missingno one

Hmmm, weird, it did spawn for me tho

Are u surely on 1.2.7?

yes not the merging patch one

Maybe it’s a bug? Idk

ill reset my game and i never got the zygarde cube from gail

do you need to get the zygarde cube?

I don’t think so

it still hasnt spawned ive reset so many times maybe kyurem only spawns on christmas

Riley there are two victory road puzzle.Try checking the other one

And it also spawns in the middle of the puzzle where you can move around without skating

its still not spawning do i need to have my zekrom and reshiram be level 120?

you sure you’re in the right ice path place
can you send a screenshot of this empty spawn location

for some reason the pic wont send but im at the 2nd ice puzzle with the patch in the middle

and u have zekrom and reshiram in your party?? u have to complete the taen quest .but u have completed it already hmm

this is the part