Deuk close this topic(replication of topic)

Just post your recolors/designs made for characters, pokemon etc. I will try to keep this alive.

Ice cream Chandelure: 609

Just white charizard (the color has been sucked out of him) : 006 (4)

Alt shiny rowlet for reborn! 722s (Might make the whole rowlet line)

133sb_7 133s_7

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wow you made that???

133s_4 133sb_4

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I am in love with this!!!

094sb 094s

i made these sprites because i have shinies of these pokemon and hate their normal shiny

If anything i would make a sakura shiny leafeon

What pokemon has a trash shiny, that you didn’t do? @one_above_all im looking for my next recolor project

garchomp, nidoqueen and a lot of other pokemon

Nice I will put them in my notes.

this just a replication of wat the topic is for
its gonna get closed

nvm i hate m life
of that

I think you can still take it out my yourself.