Deltalocke request

thy were lv 1 ones

on d beldum


im trynna evolve him i prob wont use him until 2nd gym

i can trde a 5IV jolly gabite for a delta mon

delta grimer fine?

I can get some 5IV Deltas ᕦ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ

im acually close to getting Dgrimer so no

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5IV DELTAS :star_struck: :heart_eyes:

delta dieno is ok? do u have it?

Iirc I do, not sure

he doesnt i stole it




i can give someone my delta ditto for 2 shiny deltas is it a good deal?

What language is it?


Then it’s not worth a lot

If it’s like Italian I would say it’s worth like two or three shiny deltas