Deltalock Run: Something Snazzy!

Hello again. I grew impatient of the wait so I’ll do the Deltalock alongside my Main gameplay. The rules are pretty simple, the ones I normally follow:

  1. All Pokemon on team must be Delta
  2. Every Pokemon has 3 lives to start.
  3. If a Pokemon faints, they go in the graveyard.
  4. You may sacrifice a Shiny Pokemon to revive a dead Pokemon (+3 Lives)
  5. If a Pokemon gets the last kill on a trainer battle or a boss, they get +1 life.
  6. Trades are allowed and preferred since they get bonus Exp.
  7. Game will be played in Hard Mode the whole time.
  8. Additional Rules will be added as I think of them.

■■■■. I just realized we can randomize it… We’ll do that next lmao.



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Ahem. I would like to announce that there are more than just TWO genders. Now if we- Silently gets murdered.

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Imagine playing a Deltalocke on Purity Mode lmao

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I accidentally put it onto Traditional so we don’t get the blood and gore til the next PC.

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They’re using a machine instead of a Transmutation Circle!! D: I’m gonna cry.

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Mew has more pockets than me, wtf.


I imagine every time I play the quartz flute, it sounds like the 4th grade music class first learning their recorders.


No, shut the ■■■■ up idiot.

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Then I guess we both saw tiny pink things.


That’s the only tiny pink thing that’s coming that close to me.

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No but I unfortunately know who you are.

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WeedS: “Yeah, you want some?”

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WeedS: “If you let me go find my secret stash, I can get him some ‘Rare Herbs’.”

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Who will I use as a starter pokemon? I’ve already use Venasaur my first run so-

  • Squirtle
  • Charmander
  • Bulbasaur

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And then what should I nickname whichever one wins?

Ok, I chose Squirtle and I got Impish nature. Idk if I want to make him a tank though-

Phobos :smiley:

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