Delta Suicune

Dark type ability Dark aura/speed boost

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that looks just like a recolor with its face only having a single red dot, have you considered other hobbys? :3


Ok first of no it is not a recolour and second off I tried to give it a horn as well as the markings on its body is different. So ha you are wrong

And the face is meant to be like that

well with you not adding any shading it looks weird, like take umbreon for example, its black but it has different shades. that suicune has no shading at all, looks like you just used the bucket tool and just added on shade of each color to it, thus making it look like a recolor. you just need to practice and look up some tutorials.

It is meant to be darkness/evil incarnate

I like the idea behind the sprite, but it looks like it was made in 5 minutes so I feel like you could have done better on the sprite. I personally would redo the sprite for you, but I have plans today.

It just looks a bit rushed, and it’s one solid color, with no depth. The pattern looks really out of place, and the head dimensions look very unproportional. Also, when some of us have some criticism, saying “it’s supposed to look like that” doesn’t do much to improve the sprite.

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I spent 3 hours on this thing

Coming off as stubbornly defensive of your work ain’t gonna do much for you in here, buddy. Keep in mind you’re NOT creating these sprites for yourself, you’re creating them for a GAME that thousands of other people are going to play… and they all expect a degree of professionalism and consistency. Criticism is meant to help you improve and deliver results, not to rub your ego… and if you keep saying “that’s how its meant to look” (which to us means “that’s how I want it”) after being told several times it looks off, then you’re doing it wrong. I mean, what’s the point of uploading your sprites in here then? They’re not going to be used like this.

With that out of the way… I agree with everyone else that it looks quite bland as is and that some shading would help. The problem is that it lacks bodily details, curves and definitions (and I’m not just talking about the outlines that give Suicine its silhouette). Its entirely possible to make a shadow/evil looking sprite while still making it detailed enough to see what its made of and what goes where. Ever heard of the lighting/shadow concept when drawing? Imagine a light source pointing directly at the object you want to draw - notice where the light shines the most and where the shadows are more prominent? Now do the same with sprites. Its not easy work because the models are small… but its possible.

In fact, I think you should look at different, black-ish/evil pokemons and study the way they are made. Also remember that mere re-colorings are not accepted and if you really want to make your Delta Suicince shine then you need to alter certain aspects of the original model (which I already noticed on your work - missing head-disk and chin-horn) which is a good start but not enough. Also that eye is too small… plus it kinda looks like it was made with Microsoft Paint using the circular brush on the smallest size… and that is just lazy.


@IvoryOwl @TheWaddleDee @DoritoDoctor @Demonknight First off yes I used paint because it’s the only program I have that I am able to use. Secondly I am going to stop working on this one for now. If you want to see my current project go to Delta Umbreon . Thank you and have a nice day