Delta mudkip line

Created for @MsMike as the concept was theirs.

Delta Mudkip: Poison type Ability:Poison Point/Gooey H/A: Filter - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Delta Marshtomp: Poison/Dark type Ability:Poison Point/Gooey H/A: Filter - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Delta Swampert:Poison/Dark type Abilities: Liquid Ooze / Moxie H/A: Filter


Dang, seeing this makes me want to come up with my own Delta

Im guessing Dark/Poison? Never saw the type listed anywhere

Yes except mudkip pure poison

That’s so amazing! As a person who does liek Mudkipz (and it’s evolution), this Delta is pretty amazing! :blush:

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Nice!! Im a juge swampert fan so i love iT! Still waiting on the mega! I know iT will be amazing.

Man I am the idea founder of that design and I forgot about the mega I will work with my mate on it tommorow

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Great I am really excited!!!