Delta Larvesta breed?

Well see you in 15 minutes, I guess

Hmmm give me 5 :smile:

Also, never forget to have a pokerus Mon on your pc

Okie dokie

Ah yes ty

Wait a minute, if you choose d. Bulbasaur then you don’t need mine, I guess @Maeracle

Yeah, that’s true. Do you have something else? if not it sure is fine with me :smile:

I can breed you a Delta charmander or some other deltas
And normal mons

It doesnt matter to me. Do you have a strong delta pokemon?

I have a Delta pawniard, d. Axew, a HA Gligar, a Gible and I can also breed you phione (and some other stuff)

Oooh, i really want a D. Axew :smile:

Then, give me a minute to breed it, and we can trade then!!

Yesss thank you 1000 times. how many pokemon do i need to catch then?

Only 3, one for larvesta ,one for torchic and one for the Delta Axew

Ok thank you :smile: :smile:

I am ready

Gimme a minute to hatch Delta axew

ok :slight_smile:

Also, I forgot to give them pokerus, so give me three extra minutes

Yeah sure thing