Delta Heliolisk Line

Delta Helioptile: Grass type, Abilities: Poison Point, Iron Barbs, Rattled (H/A)

Pokedex: It is cowardly by nature. Depending on whether it’s paying attention or not, it can be scared by a single drop of rain. Because it is a delta species, it is a different type that usual.

Delta Heliolisk: Grass/Poison type, Abilities: Poison Point, Iron Barbs, Rattled (H/A)

Every year it is alive, it grows a new petal. as such, after a long life, it will perish in a bed of rose petals. Because it is a delta species, it is a different type that usual.

Well, it’s been a while hasn’t it? for this delta I had to do some game surfing to find inspiration that would stick. It’s much harder to find good inspiration now that the initial delta boom wears off.


I love the heliolisk, but the helioptile seems it could use a bit of work

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I would love it if these were in the game.