Delta Grookey line

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Fire type
Ability: White smoke
Hidden Ability: Misty terrain

Pokedex: Grookeys fire warms up pokemon around it despite being a fire type it spends a lot of time in the water

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Fire Fairy type
Ability: White smoke
Hidden Ability: Misty terrain

Pokedex: Thwackey spend weeks in hot springs to absorb the mist surrounding it the mist that comes out of its tail has healing properties that can cure fatal diseases

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941947d1198dcd684ae3f75f7c704ede733bfeb9 clone

Fire Fairy type
Ability: White smoke
Hidden Ability: Misty terrain

Pokedex: When Rillabom bangs its drum Mist blows out at speeds to send a sailboat
halfway across the sea


It seems like it would be fairy type too. Good job

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Maybe later?

I did not plan for it to be a fairy type but I like your Idea!

The misty terrain is a pretty smart ability since heat is needed for mist to be created.

I gave him misty terrain because Normal Grookeys hidden ability is Grassy Terrain and because of the whole mist thing

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Awesome job! I wasn’t that good to start off! But be careful with your shades; I still see some red on the flames of the Shiny Rillaboom for example.

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I will keep that in mind

give it a cigarette (sorry if that is too harsh but, it would just be funny)

maybe make the rest of the gen 8 starters

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Please do not necro. This post has been inactive for more than a year, as have most of the people who posted on it. In Layman’s terms, it’s dead, so please, let it rest in peace. Thank you for your consideration.

On a side note, I noticed you joined only a few days ago, so welcome to the community. Sorry for the little spiel I just went on but necro posting is a bit annoying; it gives some of us false hope that the forums will be active again.


Did ya have to put it so bluntly?

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I love shiny delta rillaboom