Delta Grimer over Cubone?

That´s pretty much it guys, I´d like to know your opinion about these two pokemon and wether or not is worthy to replace one over the another.

PD: Loving this game so far.

Haven’t personally used any of these in the game but Marowak has a mega evolution in this game which gives it the ghost typing and the parental bond ability

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Lol, had no idea. In that case I´ll stick with Cubone, thanks for your answer.

Yes, but D Grimer has the ability Sap Sipper, which eliminates his grass weakness. Also, Marowak doesn’t learn any Ghost-type moves, so it can take advantage of STAB attacks with its mega

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Yeah, I´ve just checked it on the pokemon insurgence wiki website and it doesn´t learn any. I thought he could learn shadow claw, but I see I was wrong. I don´t really know what to do now lol.

In the wiki there is a physical ghost move with 90 base power and 90 accuracy called zombie strike. It´s not available yet, but it was a TM in pokemon zeta/omicron and i guess marowak will be able to learn once the game is finished.

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Also, if you’ve just got Grimer in Suntouched City, he can destroy the gym there. (STAB super-effecive against fire types, immune to/resistant against Orion’s Ivysaur’s attacks)

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Personally I would pick D.Grimer as his ability gets rid of his Grass weakness. Mega Marowak doesn’t get any Ghost Moves until this update, so I don’t think that is worth it.

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Thanks to everybody for your responses. I’ve decided to use Delta Grimer for the in-game run and use Marowak If I ever make a competitive team.