Hello. Sorry for being inactive for a long time Blame the school activities!
Thank you, MetalPikachu3500 for drawing my Delta Roselia with the original Delta Roselia. I love it! It’s so simple but cute aat the same time! Just like my type!
So here’s my New Delta Eevee… Since … it’s over
Delta Eevee (Ground/Flying)
Abilities: Quick Feet, Tough Claws, Aerilate
Dex Entry: Delta Eevee uses it’s ears to create gusts but it can’t be use to fly because of it’s body’s weight.
Hey, that’s pretty neat. I’d like to see what you could come up with for the eeveelutions, if you ever decide to work on them of course.
Wow! This looks amazing!
Once again you did a very good job!
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I really like this one, would appreciate some eeveelutions to reflect some of the different combinations you were to use. You know, type diversity. Maybe having a ghost/bug Umbreon, or something like that.
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literally 24 days later, why don’t you people understand NOT to necro-post