All righty, so I have all of these deltas that I never got around to posting for whatever reason. So here they are with a vague description.
1.) Delta Hydreigon line based off of fire hydrants. Water/Steel
2.) Delta Absol based off of a parka. Ice
3.) Delta Combee Line. Based off of an ice chandelier. Ice/Steel
4.) Delta Cinccino line. Based off of bushes. Grass
5.) Delta Clef line. Sleepy psychic spoon clef line. Fairy/Psychic
6.) Delta Flygon/Mega. Not really finished, but whatever. Grass/Bug
7.) Delta Shuckle. As you can see, this idea was Atinverd’s. Poison/Electric
8.) Delta Toge Line. THIS BIRD IS ON FIYAHHH. Fire/Flying
That’s all the ones that I finished but never posted. Hope you like 'em! Boro Out.