Delta Ditto+ regular pokemon =Delta?

Can i get a delta pokemon by breeding it with a delta ditto
thank trying to get complete pokedex
I choose eevee as starter so i cant get delta charmander ore delta bulbasaur from damian

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Quick Reminder, if u are at post game , u can go to sylvan’s lab and battle her, since u chose eevee she’ll give you all Delta starters

Also, to answer your question,u cant get a Delta pokemon by breeding a regular pokemon with Delta ditto


she only gave delta squirtle tho

is that a glitch or something
because i only got delta squirtle and damian used a delta charmander instead of eevee
when i fought him in erubus when i needed to catch darkrai

Did u pick eevee? He’ll only use it if u did too

i choose eevee

it happened in other youtuber’s videos as well

he used eevee the other times when we fought

i found out y i only got D Squirtle if you battle missingo and talk to number guy before you battle professor
it change the starter code and makes the game think you chose D.bulbasaur