Delta Chatot (Psychic)

i am just trying to test this out give me any feedback you’d like its a Psychic type with the ability Levitate and the idea is it recited an ancient chant giving it the powers of magic

Could you please enlarge the sprite so I can see the details better?

Also, I’m pretty sure sprites should have transparent backgrounds (right now, the background is white).


bigger please i cant see it very well

I have no clue how to do that

Do you know how to do that

what did you use to make the sprite ? like what app

No Bulbapedia why?!?!?

You made the sprite in bulbapedia?

no got it from bulbapedia

I don’t understand, could I have a link?

to bulbapedia :

No i mean where in bulbapedia did you get the sprite

here you go