Type: Starts off Steel but at Beedrill gains the Electric typing.
Ability: Motor Drive
Beedrill Ability: Data Collect(Changes the electric type depending on the opposing Pokemon’s type. Example: Fire type = Beedrill is a Steel/Water Type)
Dex Weedle: Designed by the Perfection cult this delta is meant to collect and hack data.
Dex Kakuna: While Weedle absorbs data this one stores it. The yellow light in the center of this Pokemon is compressed data
Dex Beedrill: This Pokemon is the ultimate hacker, it can absorb any data from a computer that its drills pass through. The wings of this Pokemon are used as data files storing information on Pokemon its come in contact with.
I got this idea when i saw a shiny beedrill in pixelmon on a mine craft server and i though the wings looked like data files