This is my second post bc my first one was uhhh nvm Well anyways since this is like kinda my first post i hope im doing everything right. Well heres my Delta Abomasnow (i have yet to make the back sprites)
Update: Added the mega (couldn’t rly come up with a design and i hope this is good enough)
Typing: Rock/Dark (could change)
You forgot to mention its typing (rock, ground, electric, etc)… but other than that it looks good! I see bits and pieces of the original 'mons but its different enough to be its own thing, plus the shading and details are all there. Abomasnow in particular almost looks like an official pokemon of Legendary nature. Good work!
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The typing i couldn’t think of anything but ground and i was trying to find something to go with it, also Thx
How is this a fusion? If it is please tell me what pokemon were fused because it clearly looks like it hardly resembles any original pokemon traits. This delta is awesome, and if posting fusions is cheap why did you do it in the first place.
Remember your “delta lapras”
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It’s interesting looking, and I’m looking forward to see where you take this line. Perhaps it can be a rock/electric type?
I do see stuff like the rocky outcroppings from Solrock used for various protrusions on its body and Rhyperior’s elbow plates used as shoulder spikes, which may be a little distracting to people who can recognize them right away. But overall it’s a neat concept, and I’m sure you’ll be able to take the idea’s design further
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I have a feeling you don’t really understand what a “fusion” is… so let me explain to the best of my abilities.
A fusion is when you basically copy-paste parts of one pokemon and glue them to another without really altering anything else, including the parts you’re copy-pasting to make it less obvious its a fusion. Your old Moltres+Lapras is an example of that. Altering the colors of a fused pokemon doesn’t make it less of what it is.
Artists that draw inspiration from certain pokemon and implement parts of them them into their own sprites, while also slightly altering them, is NOT a fusion. Its kinda like drawing a piece of art based on someone else’s work, but it looks different enough to be considered its own thing. Another is blatantly copying what the original artist had already done, write your name on it and call it a day. Tweaking other people’s sprites with the intent of helping, and giving credit where credit is due, is also generally accepted.
You have to remember that Delta Pokemon are supposed to resemble their original sprites in a way - they’re Deltas after all, not pure fakemon (though officially any new pokemon that ins’t official is fakemon… but you get my point). Now, look at this Abomasnow and ask yourself - if this is a fusion, then its a fusion of what? There is no other pokemon out there that even closely resembles this - its well done, unique and therefore a good Delta. There’s a line between a “fusion” and proper sprite work, and sometimes it takes time to tell where it is.
I can’t see Solrock’s (or Abomasnow’s…) face at all, so nope.
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There’s a difference here. Although he did use Solrock’s spikes in his pokemon, the fact he TWEAKED and REFINED the his Delta to look like a natural, unique entity, rather than a patchwork of different glued pieces, is what saves him. The details and refinement are the main difference between a pure fusion and proper Delta sprite work.
Like I said before, a fusion is when you copy-paste bits from a different pokemon to another and leave it that. No extra tweaks, no extra refining, no extra features, no nothing - this is bad. As long as you don’t overdo it and implement things in a natural way, and your pokemon ends up looking unique and consistent, you should be good to go.
I’m under impression you want every Delta to have exclusively hand-made features rather than bits taken from other 'mons. While that is commendable way of working (and a great way to learn) there’s nothing stopping you from using bits of other pokemon, so long as you’re cautious and go the extra mile to make it look natural and refined.
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Updated OP what do u guys think?
Hmm… its a bit hard to tell without a ‘before’ and ‘after’ but I think you changed changed the back spikes and head, correct? I kinda prefer the old version though, just because of the details it had. The rocks looked more rugged and worn, giving a cool ‘ancient’ vibe… but it still looks good nonetheless.
I’ll try to make it look better will update op shortly, Thank you for telling me
Added the mega what do you think?
Hmm… the only thing I’d probably change in the Mega is the thickness of the legs because they kinda look funny as is - thin above the knee-level (fur strands) and super thick bellow it. OR you could give him something similar to what Blaziken has - the “fuzzy-pants” - but using Abomasnow’s fur and all the way down to the feet.
Everything else looks good - the details, shading, depth, everything’s there and its all consistent.
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