Custom Moves

As those of you who have played Insurgence know, there is a custom move tutor in the underground area. For a battle simulator emulating the game, it only makes sense to include it in the simulator. Thoughts and comments welcome, I hope that this is viable to put in the simulator.:smile_cat:

You can’t use custom moves in online battles, therefore it will not be available on the sim.

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Oh, ok. Thanx anyways.

why custom move cant be used in online battle?

Well mostly because it provides infinite coverage, and its a physical hidden power that has more BP, thats pretty strong. Also you can name it nsfw stuff which might be a reason too. And it’s client sided.

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While we are on the subject… any chances of any other move tutor teaching a Special Custom Move in a future update? (Maybe put a restriction that you can’t teach 2 custom moves to a single pokemon or something like that, just for fairness) Its kinda unjust for all the Special Attackers who also wanted Custom Moves… :sweat_smile:

This is 1. A feature request for the Battle Simulator, and 2. we were not on the subject, you just necro’d a 2 month old post. Please don’t do that. Besides that Custom Move is just a physical Hidden Power.

But he needs to get necromancy to level 9 before he can take on the raid