Crogunk and Skorupi

Trading Name: Gronteth

Offer: nothing much to offer, perhaps a male nidoran with sludge bomb and modest nature

Request: Crogunk and Skorupi

Further info: Doesnt matter about IV and natures, anything can do.

Just noticed something regarding your trading posts. Please don’t leave the Trading Name: or Offer: field blank.

oh sry, new to this, what should I put?

Put your trading name for Trading Name: and what you are offering for Offer:

ok ty

I can get them for you if you don’t already have them. Any ability/gender you prefer?

I would like them to be both female, so that I can breed them later for drain punch on Crogunk and poison jab on Skorupi

No need for HA or do you want them as well?

sry, was dealing with another trade. hmmm i think poison touch for the crogunk, not sure if dry skin is better for it, and battle armor for the skorupi

Ok give me a while to get a Poison Touch Croagunk

Alright I’m done. Tell me when you’re ready to trade. Btw are you new to this game?

kinda ya, its my 1st run through the game, doing a mono poison/ground run. what do u want me to give?

Just any random trashmon would do. Give me 5 to 10 minutes though I have to finish up doing something.

Alright I’m ready now. Just reply when you’re ready.

ok, what is your trade name?

IcePrime. Btw I’m throwing in you an extra Pokemon lol don’t worry it’s ground type

oh ty :slight_smile:

You online yet?

