Crash when selecting Mystery Gift

I always get the “RGSS Player has stopped working” pop up when trying to selecting the option Mystery Gift and I have to exit and reload the game

I have tried using the "Run Program as Administrator" I am using 1.1.7 I allowed RGSS player through my Firewall

Can anyone help me out? Just want the Delta Snorlax.

Anyone have a technical solution, I just started the game…

Unsure if this’ll help, but I found a thread for Pokemon Z/O made for people with the same problem over at the old subreddit

if you cant get help with a fix and you still need it if you get on discord at some point just @ mention me with @stances and i can make a new save and get you one for free.

None of the steps in the link helped unfortunately… I also noticed when going online in the Pokegear, it gives me the exact same problem.