Cow538's Shiny shop 🐮 ❺⅜ 💵 ✨


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Bullet punch would be optimal, epecially in ubers, I guess extremespeed will have to do.

What other shinies do you have? I might be more interested in one of them.

A charmander, a nebulak and a Greninja, but that last one stays with me! xD

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Can you show me the charmander? I’m very interested in it.

What is a nebulak? A gastly do you mean?

Oh, yeah sry, mixed up the names.

So, could you post a picture of the charmander please?

yeah, just a sec

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here it is:

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@Snuewks Nice and golden :slight_smile:

If I give you my shiny 6iv adamant mawile and six IV stones, are you willing to part with both the charmander and lucario? If so, then we have a deal :smiley:

YES, that’s absolutely fine with me!

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Alright! Let me get my party full of iv stones and mawile :slight_smile:

I’ll post when ready.

Can you trade now?

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I can, but my party is full of shinies so I can’t do it at this moment in time. Give me 2-3 minutes.

Done! One more thing before we trade, do you know how to get a mawilite?

Yeah, its in Nasca Town

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Alright. My trade name is Cow538, is your’s “Snuewks”?


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