Cow538's Shiny shop 🐮 ❺⅜ 💵 ✨

Pichu don’t learn focus blast, is raichu ok?


Nope. Only raichu.

How many stones do you want to offer?

:+1::+1::+1:. Now, how does the trading work? Do I just put the stones on Pokémon and trade them?

Yep. How many stones are you offering though

How many do you want?

Hidden power is hard to get… so 5-6?

I’ll give you 10.

That’s fine. Most people here do that anyway. I’ll breed your pichu and tell you when its ready.

I would do the netflix trick, but my computer is too slow to run more than one thing at a time T_T

It’s not your Mac’s fault. Even the dev’s will agree that this isn’t a real “port” to OS X. It is the worst (meaning least optimized) possible way of transferring a Windows app to OS X. You are emulating an entire OS just for one program. If Pokémon Insurgence were actually ported to OS X, it would be a much faster experience.

Actually, wine converts .exe to terminal executables, it doesn’t emulate windows. In fact, wine is an acronym for Wine Is Not Emulator

Wow. Now I feel like an idiot! Haha. Anyways, still the (2ᴺᴰ) worst way of porting a Windows app to OS X. Not blaming the devs though. Too little of their user base plays the game for them to consider making a port.

They can’t even if they tried. The program used for making the game makes windows and windows only. They’d have to restart the whole game if they used something other than RPG Xmaker. DONT GET ANY IDEAS SUZE, THIS IS NOT AN EXCUSE FOR 1.2 COMING OUT TEN YEARS LATER.

Really, wow. What did they offer?

5 iv stones and something else he already gave me on discord (i forgot)

@sriharsha Both your pokes are ready. When can you trade?

@Geist Feraligatr is done, still working on greninja.

Trade with Skala157 complete

Trade with Chironex complete

Trade with Lesss complete

9.30 ist

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