Cow538's Shiny shop 🐮 ❺⅜ 💵 ✨

Really, wow. What did they offer?

5 iv stones and something else he already gave me on discord (i forgot)

@sriharsha Both your pokes are ready. When can you trade?

@Geist Feraligatr is done, still working on greninja.

Trade with Skala157 complete

Trade with Chironex complete

Trade with Lesss complete

9.30 ist

2 posts were split to a new topic: Trouble connecting to the server

@sriharsha I can’t make it then, how about 1030 ist?

Also, here are pictures of your pokemon

shall we trade now

Yep. Whats ur trade name


cow538, trade in 20 seconds

ok now

It says you aren’t online

wait…i have to give iv stones to pokemon

Oh ok. You’re giving four, right? Just tell me when ready

ready now

go now


Go now

wait for min.i will trade for salamence